Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap

The Bangalore Social - II

It took me a long time in life to realize that I am, at heart, an introverted person. Social interactions, especially with large groups, tend to drain my energy. ā€œBut you seem to talk well with a lot of people and you look happy when you are with themā€. I am, but I usually yearn to go back home after a while. I find more comfort and fulfillment in spending long hours with a good book than in prolonged conversations with others.

Ironically, I have moved back to India, where both my partner and I have large families. I returned just as the monsoon season ended, marking the beginning of the festival season. Festivals bring people together, which means more conversationsā€”often about the most mundane things. Conversations typically begin with pleasantries, followed by a main course of discussions about the difficulties of navigating the streets and the reluctance to use the metro, which many find too crowded. The conversation often concludes with a dessert of religion and caste-based politics, where unwavering support for the nation's supreme leader is the norm, and any criticism is quickly shut down. I've even heard comments like, "They've come back from Singapore; they donā€™t understand the ground reality"ā€”a perfect aftermint to the conversation. If you donā€™t agree to the eldersā€™ view about the current political landscape or even question it a little bit, then people get agitated. I get to see the true nature of people inside while I learn something about the sentiment on the ground. A win-win for me :D

Today, I've decided to enjoy some time on my own. I'll be writing a blog post, taking care of a few household tasks, listening to some music, and then heading to a DIY art session. Sounds like a good Saturday to me! More on my experiences with people here in Bangalore coming soon. Have fun! :)