Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap

2nd September, 2024

10:00pm Bangalore

"Do they pay you enough?" they ask, But enough for what? Enough to brew a cup, and fill my heart. All along, parents give their part, But it’s this currency that keeps us apart. "Do they pay you enough?" they ask, But for what?

9th August, 2024

10:00pm Bangalore

Only in my Home City: The sweet scent of trees lining the streets, yoga classes that pop up casually without the pressure of a $100 fee serene lakes within the city without boasting of India's green cover. Here, people meditate on the banks of those lakes because they genuinely understand its benefits— untouched by the influence of YouTube gurus. Small groups gather in conversation, unaware that their social interactions are a balm for mental health. These are the treasures of my home city.

23rd July 2024

11:30am Singapore

One last day in a Singapore office. One last commute from home to work. I noticed the voice on the MRT, the clothes people were wearing, and the cool air by the fountain near the office. I did my face scan one last time. Although I haven’t enjoyed the work or the workplace these past few months, I will miss its location. I am grateful that I could start my career here and it helped me setup my life for the first few months.

20th July 2024

2:00pm Singapore

The simple pleasure of sitting in a cafe and reading an Enid Blyton book is unmatched. Her stories of kids caring for farm animals and savouring the simple joys of life are a delightful escape. The language is straightforward, with simple words and short sentences. It transports me back to my childhood when I could devour a book in one sitting. Nowadays, it's a struggle to get through even a few pages; the words feel pretentious, and the ideas are often stretched thin to fill a 350-page book.

13th July 2024

6:21pm Singapore

I still don't feel it. Many people asked me how it feels to leave Singapore. Many assumed that is a sad affair while many more congratulated me. These are just projections of their feelings and thoughts.

I on the other hand, am absolutely equanimous. I don't feel particularly sad or happy to leave Singapore. I am leaving because it feels like the right time for ME. I look forward to more opportunities and better access to the society and people that matter to me. I will do more.

12th July 2024

10:00am Singapore

Lush green trees flourish outside my window, a testament to Singapore’s dedication to greenery. The island is meticulously maintained, with green trails woven into its very heart. Behind my house, a former railway corridor has been transformed into a 20km walking track, stretching to the island’s northern reaches.

Despite the serene nature, the tranquility is often disrupted by an expressway, where the constant whizzing of motor vehicles masks the sounds of birds and the stillness. This juxtaposition is a common experience in Singapore: old shophouses nestled among modern buildings, temples and monasteries standing alongside bars and clubs. The old coexists with the new, and nature endures alongside its intrusions.

06th July 2024

5:30pm Singapore

I am spending time meeting the people in Singapore who have significantly impacted my life here. Besides, I also have numerous other tasks I must address: finding new tenants for my place, negotiating the terms of my stay in Singapore, canceling my Wi-Fi and other utilities and my visa. Interestingly, these steps are in the reverse order of what I did when I first arrived in Singapore.

02nd July 2024

4:30pm Singapore

July marks my last month in Singapore, echoing my first month here nine years ago. I arrived with dreams of fun, opportunities, and a vibrant life. Today, I often wonder how much of that remains. The answer? That is not a small thought at all.

23rd June 2024

1:00 pm Singapore

Life moves on. People rise and fall, sometimes in the same day. This has been my experience recently. I’ve been aiming to return to Bangalore and have been interviewing at various companies. I’m thrilled to share that I’ve received two offers and am particularly excited about one of them. More details to come soon.

23rd June 2024

4:00 pm Singapore

Nothing will ever be the same for my wife and her family. A life lost is a void that can never be filled. But amidst the sorrow, a poignant truth emerges: while our world remains altered, the lives of others gradually return to normalcy. Life, in its relentless progression, moves toward vibrancy and renewal. Memories of those we’ve lost remain etched in our hearts, yet life transcends even the deepest grief.

21st June 2024

10:00 am Singapore

Death alters your perspective. It serves as a constant reminder that it lurks just around the corner. Embrace the awareness of death in your daily life to acknowledge your own mortality. Various traditions offer ways to do this: some Indians apply holy ash to their foreheads, while Stoics carry Memento Mori coins. Regardless of your chosen method, we are all inevitably progressing towards death. Let this awareness inspire you to make today truly matter.

20th June 2024

1:26 pm Singapore

This day will be etched in my memory for the rest of the time on this planet. My wife lost a brother in the USA in a car crash. Life is just too unfair. You can only live in the moment and the rest is not assured. There is no replacement. There is no insurance to fix things. Once gone, it is gone.