Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap

First Week in Bangalore (Blaugust 3)

I moved back from a "flashy life" in Singapore. I was earning well and had a great saving potential. Yet, I was disappointed with the workplace. Good money and promising saving potential was just not enough to sustain the life within me.

The dissatisfaction drove me to search for new jobs and led me to an introspective journey, compelling me to ponder what truly mattered. Looking inward revealed all the answers. The pull towards home was my “aha” moment. It happened in an instant and glad I seized it. Going back home was the easiest decision that I have made unlike what people back home might think. How hard is it to chose home?

When I left Bangalore, people seldom asked me "why?" -- except for my parents. Now everyone asks me. My answer is simple: ”I chose Joy” . There is no substitute for what I could only find back home: joy, sense of belonging, familiarity and access. I am part of Bangalore and Bangalore is part of me.

Yes, I do miss some of the luxuries that Singapore offers. The infrastructure is world class. The MRT (the metro) and the bus services are unparalleled. Banking and other government facilities operate smoothly and I never had to worry about corruption. Clean roads, cycling paths and the stunning view of the Marina Bay Sands are things that I will never find here. I miss them or do I really?

I have spent a week in Bangalore and it has been joyous. Call it the honeymoon period for now. I know that living here won’t always be smooth sailing. But only I can stand in the way of making it smoother. My first challenge was setting up my workspace at home. Clearing away old things, making space for my partner and I, organising our clothes and belongings, buying new things, took most of my time. I completed setting up everything in 3 days, what could have easily taken a month back in Singapore, thanks to the amazing e-commerce facilities backed by one of the world’s largest digital payment solutions which operates at a billion people scale. I ordered certain things on Amazon and it appeared the same day for little to no cost. Yes, infrastructure in India is not world class. Yet, the convenience is undeniable.

So all is well in Bangalore you ask? Certainly not. In my next posts, I will detail the challenges of navigating the city, along with surfing the social and cultural aspects of my city. Until then, have fun :)
